• Kubuqi Regreened (English Edition)

    He Gu & Yang Chunfeng:Author

    Publication date:2022-01-01

    Kubuqi Regreened is a realistic nonfiction book about the ecological restoration of the Kubuqi Desert, China’s seventh largest desert. Following a prologue highlighting the international recognition of the Kubuqi Model, the book traces the history of the Kubuqi Desert: how it turned into a land of boundless sand from lush forests, and how arduous and persistent efforts have been taken to regreen it, develop it, and turn it into an asset. The book also reveals, through narration with rich and vivid details, the various groundbreaking policies, technological innovations and eco-centric management mechanisms that sustain the success of the Kubuqi Model and allows it to be applied in other countries to mitigate and prevent desertification and restore the harmony between man and nature.
  • New Tales from the Peach Blossom Spring (English Edition)

    Peng Xueming:Author

    Publication date:2022-01-01

    Shibadong, or Eighteen Caves, is the place where the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee first raised the important thought of precision poverty alleviation in Hunan Province. In five years, the author visited the village eight times, gathering typical examples on the ground to tell the story of how local villagers joined hands with officials to turn a poverty-stricken village locked behind mountains into a model of precision poverty alleviation through strategic planning that makes the best of local resources.
  • 中国新时期小说中的感官建构(1976—1985)(中文版)


    Publication date:2020-12-01

    《新时期小说中的感官建构(1976-1985)》 本书以“感官建构”为切入点,对新时期小说创作进行再解读,通过分析视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉等五种感官在新时期小说中的书写意义、特性及问题,探讨了新时期小说的主体性存在问题,以及其中所蕴涵的自我与他者的责任关系的建构,使得我们可以从一个新的角度重新审视新时期小说创作。
  • 人文西藏丛书-高原华章:西藏文学撷英 (中文版)


    Publication date:2020-08-01

  • Tibetan Literature (English Edition)

    Norbu Wangdan:Author

    Publication date:2020-08-01

    The book entitled Tibetan Literature embodies the unique culture of Tibet and its charm. Tibetan literature is known as the “pearl” of Chinese literature.
  • The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea

    Duan Lixin:Author

    Publication date:2020-06-15

  • All Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix

    Duan Lixin:Author

    Publication date:2020-06-15

  • Chang'e Flying to the Moon

    Duan Lixin:Author

    Publication date:2020-06-15

  • Yu Leading the People in Curbing Floods

    Duan Lixin:Author

    Publication date:2020-06-15

  • Jingwei Trying to Fill Up the Sea

    Duan Lixin:Author

    Publication date:2020-06-15

179records / 18pages 转到