• 人文西藏丛书-雪域经轮:西藏宗教考释


    Publication date:2020-08-01

  • A Study of Tibetan Religions (English Edition)

    KalSang Gyal:Author

    Publication date:2020-08-01

    Whenever Tibet is introduced, its religions are mentioned. The book entitled A Study of Tibetan Religions, gives a comprehensive introduction to the Tibetan religions. It starts with the Bon religion, focuses on Tibetan Buddhism and then has a brief introduction to Islam and Christianity, reflecting the concepts of “harmony” and “wholeness” of Chinese traditional culture.
  • 犍陀罗:来自巴基斯坦的佛教文明


    Publication date:2020-01-01

  • 佛窟中国


    Publication date:2019-06-01

  • Tibetan Religions (English Version)


    Publication date:2017-08-01

  • Buddhism and Buddhists in China

    Lewis Hodous:Author

    Publication date:2016-08-15

    Buddhism is a religion which must be viewed from many angles. Its original form, as preached by Gautama in India and developed in the early years succeeding, and as embodied in the sacred literature of early Buddhism, is not representative of the actual Buddhism of any land today. The faithful student of Buddhist literature would be as far removed from understanding the working activities of a busy center of Buddhism in Burmah, Tibet or China today as a student of patristic literature would be from appreciating the Christian life of London or New York City.
  • History and Ecclesiastical Relations of the Churches of the Presbyterial Order at Amoy, China

    J. V. N. Talmage:Author

    Publication date:2016-08-15

    It is proper that I give some reasons for the publication of this paper. The importance of the subject of the ecclesiastical organization of the churches gathered in heathen lands, I conceive to be a sufficient reason. Those who may differ in regard to the views set forth in this paper, will not dispute the importance of the subject. Instead of the questions involved having been settled by any of the Presbyterian Denominations of this country (the Dutch Church included among them), by experiments in India or any other heathen land, very few of the churches gathered from the heathen, by these various Denominations, have yet arrived at a stage of development sufficient for practical application of the experiment. (See foot-note, page 160.) There are, however, a few mission churches, where the subject is now becoming one of vast practical importance. The Church at Amoy stands out prominent among these. With the continuance of the divine blessing there will soon be many such. Hence the importance of the discussion, and its importance now.
  • Religions of Ancient China

    Herbert A. Giles:Author

    Publication date:2016-08-15

    China is one of the ancient civilizations on earth. China is a country with diverse religious beliefs. Three main religions formed part of ancient Chinese history.
  • True Heart/Mind

    Translated by Bruce R. Linnell, PhD:Author

    Publication date:2016-08-15

    Jianzhi Sengcan ( is known as the Third Chinese Patriarch of Chán after Bodhidharma and thirtieth Patriarch after Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha.
  • The Reincarnation System for The Dalai Lama (English Edition)

    Chen Qingying:Author

    Publication date:2014-08-01

    Reincarnation or transmigration is a unique idea and institution in Tibetian Buddhism. What is it? How did it originated and developed to its current form? How is a reincarnation chosen and recognized as the new Dalai Lama? What are the customs and rules to follow in this process? You will get clear answers for all these questions after reading this book with rich content and pictures.
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