• 洞见新的世界:钱学森与他开启的智慧之门(中文版)


    Publication date:2021-06-01

    众所周知,钱学森是享誉海内外的杰出科学家、中国航天事业的奠基人,然而同时,钱学森还是一位思想家,是系统工程中国学派的创始人。钱学森的一生先后经历了20年美国学术奠基、近28年中国航天实践、晚年近30年学术研究,他在哲学、科学、技术、工程各个层面均取得了巨大成就。钱学森的一生生动诠释了他本人的一句话:要敢于说别人没说过的话、走别人没走过的路、干别人没有干成的事。 本书由钱学森智库撰写,由中国航天系统科学与工程研究院和本社联合组成编委会。全书分为四个部分:“从拂晓到黎明:新的思想之光”“时代的呼唤:创建系统学”“系统观念下的科学预见”“从此岸到彼岸:新世界的猜想”,内容丰富,资料全面,用通俗易懂的方式,比较全面地阐述了钱学森的系统论思想,特别是开放的复杂巨系统理论的缘起、发展、成熟、创新,试图拨开时代的迷雾,为人类认识客观世界、改造客观世界提供新的理论武器。
  • 新闻的边界:《新闻伦理与法规》案例选编


    Publication date:2018-01-01

  • 新闻发言人实务丛书-基层新闻发言人实践


    Publication date:2017-05-01

    基层领导干部、基层新闻发言人应该如何与媒体打交道?如何做好舆情分析研判?如何在突发事件中引导舆论?如何做好新闻发布?如何通过新闻发布工作推进政务公开和树立地方形象品牌? 《基层新闻发言人实践》一书作者以一名多年从事基层新闻策划、新闻发布工作者的视角,对这些问题作出了独到回答。书中阐述了建立基层新闻发言人制度的必要性,分析探讨了基层新闻发言人重点工作,以及基层领导干部如何增强回应社会关切能力、提升执政形象品牌塑造,在当下对基层领导干部和宣传工作从业者具有一定指导意义。
  • The Bradys After a Chinese Princess

    Francis Worcester Doughty:Author

    Publication date:2016-08-15

    While travelling in China, and trying to gain the Chinese point of view, I met so many charming people, so many men of intelligence and liberal education, honorable, broad-minded, and devoted to the uplifting of their unhappy country, that I became exceedingly interested in their cause, and anxious to aid it. With this object in view I am striving, through the medium of a story, to present it to those young Americans who, in the near future, will be called upon to decide the ultimate fate of the great Middle Kingdom. With them, more than with any other people, even including the Chinese themselves, will rest the decision, whether China shall remain a nation, open to the unobstructed commerce of the world, or become a series of petty colonial possessions devoted only to the interests of their several ruling powers. That my young readers may be guided to a wise and just solution of this great problem, is the sincere hope of their friend,
  • Shenyang(Chinese and English)

    National Historical and Cultural City Research Center:Author

    Publication date:2014-03-01

    Shenyang volume of Chinese historical and cultural city series album, each one of which is combined with the history culture and protection achievements of the country-level historical and cultural city, includes ancient city heritage, monument traces, natural scenery, historical celebrities, cultural highlights, specialities, contemporary development, tourism services and etc.
  • Changting(Chinese and English)

    National Historical and Cultural City Research Center:Author

    Publication date:2014-03-01

    Changting volume of Chinese historical and cultural city series album, each one of which is combined with the history culture and protection achievements of the country-level historical and cultural city, includes ancient city heritage, monument traces, natural scenery, historical celebrities, cultural highlights, specialities, contemporary development, tourism services and etc.
  • Yulin(Chinese and English)

    National Historical and Cultural City Research Center:Author

    Publication date:2013-10-01

    Yulin volume of Chinese historical and cultural city series album, each one of which is combined with the history culture and protection achievements of the country-level historical and cultural city, includes ancient city heritage, monument traces, natural scenery, historical celebrities, cultural highlights, specialities, contemporary development, tourism services and etc. Yulin is located in the northernmost part of Shaanxi Province. It is at the junction of Loess Plateau and the south edge of Maowusu Desert, which is also the transitional zone between the Loess Plateau and the Inner Mongolia Plateau. Places of historic interest include Red Stone Gorge, Zhenbeitai Fortress, Li Zicheng palace, Yima City Ruins and etc.
  • Chinois de survie (collection Apprendre le chinois )(chinois-français)

    SUN Lin:Author

    Publication date:2010-08-01

    Vous devez apprendre un minimum de chinois pour survivre en Chine ! Par exemple, situation générale de la Chine, demander de l'aide, banque et change, manger, boire, courses, poste, demander son chemin, circulation, urgence médicale, hôpital, police, services hôteliers, hygiène, souvenirs etc.
  • Sos en China(Estudiar Mandarín)(Edición china)

    Sun Lin:Author

    Publication date:2010-08-01

    Sos en China Este librito sirve de guía en la vida cotidiana al lector hispanohablante para enfrentarse a problemas tales como de alimentación, banco y dinero, compras, correos, transportes, etc. durante su estadía en China.
  • Emergency Chinese( Learning Chinese)(English Chinese edition)

    Sun Lin:Author

    Publication date:2010-07-01

    Emergency Chinese This small book designs many cases in daily life for those foreigners who are not familiar with China, so that they could use this book to ask for help in emergency situation.
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